Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Five Cents for Advice

To start off, again I don't have a panoramic lens but I'll give you the next best thing.

This is some of the graffiti on Venice Beach. I figured Erin would be appreciative of seeing some of it.

So Venice was interesting. I know some of you had made mention of if we'd stop and see any crazy novelties on the way. Things such as "The world's biggest (insert random item here)". Well today we found one of those, he was an interesting man and was the "World's Greatest Wine-O".

We got a kick out of him and are still trying to understand most of what came out of his mouth.

Also, as John is still as red as the Rite Aid logo which we apparently bought faulty sunblock from, he wore a sunhat to prevent those harmful UV rays. Here is a photo that includes:

1. John
2. The Hat
3. A guy on stilts

Some other interesting stories of the day,

We managed to talk to a man for at least a half an hour about his film projects. If anything he said went as well as he planned; keep an eye out for John Barge III. He is apparently a film maker who plans to make a movie for 50 Cent, a Television Show for Bravo, and also has already patented a design for a redesigned protective vest for the LA SWAT Team.

If a man does hold up a sign offering you advice for 5 cents, that's a pretty sweet deal. I would suggest you spend the money and get the advice before he gets arrested.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen that wino man before, I'm sure you'll encounter more funk legend look-a-likes in SanFrancisco

    I broke my wrist due to a tequilla incident.

    Can't Wait to see you
